Sunday, October 10, 2010

Life as I know it

In this whirlwind life that I lead, I have been so blessed. That is until today. I put JJ down for his VERY late afternoon nap thinking he would go down for a while since we played hard at the park. But no, I heard this strange banging then it stopped. I laid back down - ya know trying to nap when the kids nap - when I heard this strange banging again. Then I heard his bedroom door open and close. "No - it can't be" and yes JJ has climbed out the crib. This is such a shocker for me not because I question his ability but my freedom is over. This child would play in his crib if I wasn't able to get him out. And now he can free himself. And I just think, now what?!?!?!?

Ok being a little dramatic but my afternoon freedom is jeopardy. It was always nice to know that if I wasn't able to retrieve the boy when he woke up that 9 out of 10 times he would just play. Or even better, go back to sleep. So we will just see how this goes.....

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