Wednesday, September 17, 2014

where my strength comes from......

Sometimes (more times than not) I just shake my head at me! Yesterday at a meeting for a new gym that I will be teaching at (again shaking my head),  I made the comment about 5 a day 4's is such a hard year for me.  Then it hit me, when Jeremiah was in the program, the girls were 2!  And they were every sweet ounce of 2. 

From my FB post:
Sometimes (more times than not) I just shake my head at me! With everyone having twins ... its makes me reflect on the girls and the last 4 years. From their fetal distress and the decision to take them sooner or to wait, to our 10 days at the NICU having to balance life with a 2 year old and driving an hour to see the girls everyday (we lived in Frederick and delivered in Olney), the transition of life from 1 baby to 3, through viral meningitis, a lithium battery and our crazy life in between. Its just crazy to me think back at remember.

It is really surprising that I am still standing.  But not really because through it all, I stood on the rock of Jesus. Christ whether it was conscious or not, has been and will be my foundation.  These past 4 years has shaped my faith in ways unimaginable.  So that when trouble does hit, He is my source of strength.  That's why I don't want my strength to fail because it isn't my strength but His. 

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