Sunday, September 21, 2014

Push Through from 9/21/14

There are days when our bodies are just tired. We mentally fight with the desire to stay in sweats and exercise.  There are days when it feels like an uphill battle because in reality who really wants to go and exercise, right?! Ok ok I know some of us crazy people love to challenge and push ourselves or it's our happy juice, as I am one of them.  But today... Is a day when the sweats are winning.  

Let's back up.  Today didn't start out that way, there was hope and excited when Annette showed up at 6:10 am.  We headed out to join the bike group. A 33 mile ride was mapped out.  All started out well then came the first hill. Then the realization that my legs just didn't have it. I didn't have it.   Every hill and even downhill was a challenge.  I brought up the back of the pack with gladness.  I knew it wasn't happening today.  My legs said no and my mind didn't fight it.  And that's OK.  Not every day is a rock star workout day and most days it is just a fight to get it in.  What matters is that today I recover and it matters what I do tomorrow.  It matters in how I go forward.   I could let this set me back or move me forward.  

Most of our battles are mental but there are times when out bodies just say no.  The key is to know when to go, to know when your body needs that extra recovery, or to know that you can go but to take it easy.  

So where to go from here: 
With one sweetpea sleeping, the other one and I are watching Tangled (with mommy flipping back to the Orioles game) because my body is done. The sweats are on, the mess is still on the floor and the blankets are calling.
That's ok with me because if I rest today then tomorrow i will be stronger!  

If you need a rest day or your workout doesn't go as planned, take heart - it happens!! Look at your workout plan, make some adjustments.  Most of our progress is made in rest, recovery, and nutrition.   

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Cuddles & Baseball

Today was a rare occurrence.... An off - stay at home Saturday.  After a busy day of play, house projects, and digging potatoes, we settle into cuddles and watching baseball.  It it strikes me that it's the moments like this one that we need to cherish.  The little things in our lives are the ones that added together make the greatest impact.  So the next time guilt tries to steal away anything, just remember to count the cuddles :) 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

where my strength comes from......

Sometimes (more times than not) I just shake my head at me! Yesterday at a meeting for a new gym that I will be teaching at (again shaking my head),  I made the comment about 5 a day 4's is such a hard year for me.  Then it hit me, when Jeremiah was in the program, the girls were 2!  And they were every sweet ounce of 2. 

From my FB post:
Sometimes (more times than not) I just shake my head at me! With everyone having twins ... its makes me reflect on the girls and the last 4 years. From their fetal distress and the decision to take them sooner or to wait, to our 10 days at the NICU having to balance life with a 2 year old and driving an hour to see the girls everyday (we lived in Frederick and delivered in Olney), the transition of life from 1 baby to 3, through viral meningitis, a lithium battery and our crazy life in between. Its just crazy to me think back at remember.

It is really surprising that I am still standing.  But not really because through it all, I stood on the rock of Jesus. Christ whether it was conscious or not, has been and will be my foundation.  These past 4 years has shaped my faith in ways unimaginable.  So that when trouble does hit, He is my source of strength.  That's why I don't want my strength to fail because it isn't my strength but His.