Friday, January 6, 2017


The human body experiences a powerful gravitational pull in the direction of hope. That is why the patient's hopes are the physician's secret weapon. They are the hidden ingredients in any prescription. Norman Cousins
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Across the Bay 10K  - November 6, 2016
Race Recap

“We would accomplish many more things if we did not think of them as impossible.” – Vince Lombardi

6.2 miles accomplished.  Walking of course! According to my nephew I am a fast walker like his mom (aka my sister).  We just walk with purpose.   

4 months’ post op, I was able to walk the bay bridge to earn my third medal in my puzzle.  There were definitely moments where it was tough (not running across the start or finish line) and coming to peace that this race would not be a PR as planned.  But it was being done.  Then as always, I see the most amazing stories.  People whose challenges are far greater than mine accomplishing the same feat.  It always humbles me!  The first time I was humbled was during the Columbia Triathlon when a para-athlete went cruising on his hand bike.  This race, there was a lady with two canes making her way over the bridge.  To see their dedication, courage, and desire to push through motivates me to overcome this.  

Nothing strikes the heart more than to see people achieve the impossible.   If we just believed a few more things were possible, what could we really accomplish?
he human body experiences a powerful gravitational pull in the direction of hope. That is why the patient's hopes are the physician's secret weapon. They are the hidden ingredients in any prescription. Norman Cousins
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Progress Report

Knowing a progress report is overdue ...

On December 9 (5 months post-op), my PT gave the green light to run/walk for up to only one mile.  My first mile was attempted on Christmas Day.

But my real achievement is when my girls ask, "Mommy run?"  I can.

That tops everything else!
The girls wanted to run away from Daddy and Jeremiah!