Monday, May 27, 2013

A new beginning ....

This blog started out as a way to track the life of my baby girls who have rocked our world.  It would be an effective tool to journal their lives but (again) they rocked our world.  They flipped everything upside down and its been the most amazing experience ever.  Today as I pushed one swing then the other and as both girls played in the bathtub together,  I am more thankful today for their beautiful smiles and laughs than yesterday. Then this blog took a political turn as a way to express my rants without the feedback (both positive & negative) from Facebook.  What that as taught me is that I do not know anything and I am driven by common sense.   Sometimes my common sense and realism (aka blunt) override my compassion but day by day this realization settles in and it allows me to grow. 

Then this blog is going to remain a journal of sorts of my life ...  all of it. Expressions of my heart,  trials of training, life with the kids, life with fitness, and everything else! It's going to be that balancing act.  My hope is to look back and remember things (ha ha I forget all the time) and that it can be a launch pad of sharing ideas, successes, and improvements. 

Now it is on its way to being just a reflection of my heart........