Monday, October 22, 2012

Do you ever just want to go off and be blunt about how you really feel?  To rant in blind passion that forgets all logic and reasoning. 

Thats how I felt when I typed up this for my status:
Just some mental rants for the day..... so seriously this will offend some and if does then just delete me from your friends list. I have every right to think this way....

1. They are just pets that we need to love, respect, & take care of .....
2. The hypocrisy that comes out of the mouths of people in this political season is dumbfounding to me. So what if the President is getting beat up, Your side beat up President Bush ... no one even you truly respects the presidency....
3. Common Sense - where did it go and how do we bring it back ....  

What I realize after slowing down to process through is that we all do these exact same things.  We get so blinded by the wall that is right in front of face that we fail to look beyond our own opinions.   We get passionate with our own beliefs then seek out others who agree.    We should first seek to understand before we seek to be heard.