Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Lord, freewill, and more

In talking about doing what God wants vs what I want to do. The question was asked,  "Does God still love and support me when I am doing what I want?" 
Think about when babies are learning to walk. As a parent, we watch the babies tumble and stumble while we stand back. We let them fall and bump around but we are always close enough to catch them before the truly hurt themselves (like falling down stairs). They are always within reach even if they don't realize it. Isn't that so true with God and us? He guides us giving us the safest and best path to follow and yet we do what we want. As we do what we want, we fall and get bruised and injured. Yet, He is behind us lovingly protecting us so we don't slip off the edge and go too far.
He will not let us endure more than we can bear. He let's us screw up because that is free will. And still as an amazing Father, he protects.