Monday, July 25, 2011

Life is a journey & you can't give up

The kitchen is almost clean, the living room is a mess with kids’ toys everywhere, the basement has yet another project started, and the kids are playing "peacefully." 
Reading 1 Peter 1 last week, the message translated a verse that said, life is a journey and it must be travel with a deep consciousness of God.  That is ringing so true!  Last Monday, I was hastily walking through the San Pedro Sula airport after 5 days in Honduras on a mission trip.   My transition home was hard (satan was trying to have his way with me) and I just wanted to give up.  At one time, I said no more growing! Now after the dust as settled, the Lord was keeping my head above water and I realize more and more how the life I live in the USA keeps me distracted from my Lord. Last Tuesday, instead of a peaceful relaxing day I hit the road running between the kids and teaching at the gym.  There was no time for reflection.  No time to regroup and the whole week was crazy busy. The result was that my spirit was a crazy mess.  Only today did I force myself to have the "quiet" time  my spirit was craving. The difference is unbelievable. So this is the challenge - to get more of Christ - and less of everything that distracts from Him.  It's a fight that I am ready to fight! 

Chaos is breaking loose..... 
hasta más tarde