Monday, July 25, 2011

Life is a journey & you can't give up

The kitchen is almost clean, the living room is a mess with kids’ toys everywhere, the basement has yet another project started, and the kids are playing "peacefully." 
Reading 1 Peter 1 last week, the message translated a verse that said, life is a journey and it must be travel with a deep consciousness of God.  That is ringing so true!  Last Monday, I was hastily walking through the San Pedro Sula airport after 5 days in Honduras on a mission trip.   My transition home was hard (satan was trying to have his way with me) and I just wanted to give up.  At one time, I said no more growing! Now after the dust as settled, the Lord was keeping my head above water and I realize more and more how the life I live in the USA keeps me distracted from my Lord. Last Tuesday, instead of a peaceful relaxing day I hit the road running between the kids and teaching at the gym.  There was no time for reflection.  No time to regroup and the whole week was crazy busy. The result was that my spirit was a crazy mess.  Only today did I force myself to have the "quiet" time  my spirit was craving. The difference is unbelievable. So this is the challenge - to get more of Christ - and less of everything that distracts from Him.  It's a fight that I am ready to fight! 

Chaos is breaking loose..... 
hasta más tarde

Saturday, April 23, 2011

5 mile run

From 4.13.11 (just posting it today!) In my infinite wisdom, I signed up for a half marathon in June. It seemed like a good idea. Afterall, I was putting good milage on the treadmill weekly, had motivation, and felt great.  So why is it that I pay the money and I run smack into the wall?   Motivation gone and strength are gone. The pressure is on, it is now a HAVE to not just a want to and the fight to overcome the mental barrier has began.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Spring is FAST approaching....

As a hard-core fall and winter gal, I find myself longing for open windows and warm temps.  This is because I need to get the toddler (almost a preschooler) outside.  The energy a 2 yr old boy generates needs to be harvested and sold!  He is crazy. And like all kids comes up with the darnest things to say like today, “Mommy I need to email”   Or his complete joy and surprise when I come home.  I would love to know what goes on in that little brain of his…

So Christmas, January, February, and March have come and gone since my last post.  God has done and is continuing to do so much in our lives.   It started in December as I was enjoying a sweet cup of coffee.  God through my thoughts clearly told me that I need to slow down. Slow down or die got my attention.  I stepped out of all extras, slowed down in the job, and really tired to choose carefully what we did. Ya know what; I was still tired at the end of the month.  So I can’t even imagine if I hadn’t slowed down. When I had been so burnt out that it would have been beyond recovery?  It was a terrifying place to be in and somewhere I don’t want to go back to.  Thankfully it was a lesson learned! Slow down and ask the Lord is our new motto.  Some times it is easier to follow than others but we keep trying!

 That’s all we can do in life is try! 

Well tonight I am off to the Honduras lock-in..   an 24 hour juice fast (which we started late because of bad time management on my part)  

Thank you Lord for not being legalistic!